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< George, Fruit & Veg Team
Don’t be afraid to ask questions. I asked millions of them when I started out.
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My Day

Off to a fresh start

Before we open, we work hard to get the fruit and veg out and looking good

Quality, quality, quality

If the fruit, veg and salads don’t look good, we won’t put them out

Loads of the good stuff

We constantly check stock levels to make sure there’s always plenty on display.

Our care is constant

We shower our greens and flowers on the hour, keep the displays tidy and rotate products.

Ready to serve

It’s all about making sure the customer has the best shopping experience

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How I got my start

My very first job was with Woolworths was when I was at school. After that, I went to study at uni before running a cafe with my dad for 8 years. Then I interviewed for a job in Produce with Woolworths.

So I was in my mid-20’s when I came back to work for Woolworths for the second time. And I jumped right at the deep end. I think I stuffed up a million times before I knew how to do the job right.

Now I’ve been working for Woolworths for just over 10 years, I know so much more. And I’ve cross-trained myself in other departments, too. I like to set myself high standards and I don’t like to fail. If something isn’t 100% in the department, that gives me the energy to make it better.

What I've learnt
Be hungry to learn
We sell hundreds of products so it’s helpful to learn about them
Have an eye for detail
I’m always looking out to see if anything can be improved or if anyone needs help
Do right by people
Be genuine and take a real interest in customers
Ready to be a part of Woolworths?
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