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You never know what sort of people are going to walk into your life every day.
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My Day

Ready, steady, stock

We start early and work hard on setting up the displays before we open

Put it all out there

We want customers to have as much choice as possible, so we put as much variety on display as we can

Eye before they buy

Shoppers buy with their eyes, so we try to make everything look amazing

Getting the party started

We get tons of orders for entertaining platters, especially in summer, and they’re always fun to create

Ready to serve

It’s all about making sure the customer has the best shopping experience


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How I got my start

I'd say the deli department is one of the best departments to work on. You get to work in a team and socialise. And everybody helps everybody. The most rewarding part is when you get feedback, especially when someone from support office says the deli looks great. It’s really affirming.

Every day is different. You never have the same customers every day. I’ve grown my own team at the store I’m in now. I’ve three kids and they’ve all had a career with Woolworths. Only 1 is left now. Who knows? She might follow her mum and stay in Woolworths.

What I've learnt
Be hungry to learn
We sell hundreds of products so it's helpful to learn about them - especially the cheeses
Don't be afraid of raw food
It's all super fresh and it's lovely to handle such quality products
The power of being organised
To get everything done, you need everything to go smoothly - which is why it's so important to be organised
Ready to be a part of Woolworths?
We've got Deli jobs we need to fill right now
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