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Tips for Mums, Dads and Carers

Every year, thousands of young people spend their first day of work at Woolworths. It’s an exciting time, both for those that start and the people that care for them.
But before their first day, your child/dependant is likely to experience plenty of other firsts; Writing their first resume, attending their first interview, getting a first taste of adult responsibilities.

We appreciate it can be a daunting experience. It’s why we aim to be fully transparent and totally accountable when it comes to helping young people secure and keep their first job.

Because like you, we want your child to thrive.

Start with the preparation

Research the roles

Encourage your child to research the kind of roles we offer by reviewing the jobs ads and the expectations set out for each role. 

Discuss the documentation

Before your child can start work, they’ll need to provide documentation – things like Right to Work documents, their Tax File Number and bank account details. It’s worth gathering them now.

How's their schedule?

For your child, this is an exciting first step into the world of working. We also understand how busy their lives can be with school and extra activities. Therefore, we want to make sure that they have the right balance that works for them. We ask you to consider how many hours per week and on what days your child can commit to. We believe that once they make the commitment to their new role and their new team, they’ll understand how important it is to fulfil that commitment. So we ask that your child takes into consideration everything involved with their new job, like transport to and from work.

Interview tips

Getting interviews right can take years of practice to master. But there are a few fundamentals we value, no matter the role. For some of our roles, we ask our candidates to complete video interviews. This means they will be prompted to  record the answers to their interview questions from the comfort of home. So if you’re looking to help your child prepare for an interview with us, these are the tips you could share.

       Invite your child to think about how they present themselves

       A genuine smile and eye contact goes a long way

       Encourage your child to speak clearly and with confidence – we’re interested in what they have to say

       It’s okay if your child is nervous - what we’re really looking for is their genuine side

       Encourage your child to spend some time thinking about why they would love to join our team

       Let your child know we’re on their side – we want them to do well in their interview

Their pay

Money – and the power to earn money – is a large part of why we all go to work. And because it is so important, we make wages totally transparent. Should your child have any questions on subjects like enterprise agreements, tax and superannuation when they start with us, we’ll do our best to answer them

